The meeting began at 7:35 p.m. on Sept. 25, 2018.
Attendance: Isaiah St. Pierre (Winter Park Competition Center), Karen Fletcher, Mike Lohman (V.P.), Stephen Lee, Charlie Rau, Diana L. Rau (President), Kathy Jamison, Christine Lee, (Secretary), Lisa Bornfriend
First order of business: Reaffirmation of officers and board members. Board members: Al Rothenbach, Lisa Bornfriend, Stephen Lee, Christine Lee (Secretary), Carol (Accountant), Kathy Jamison, Karen Fletcher, Mike Lohman (V.P.), Diana Rau (President), Charlie Rau.
SKI SWAP -- Will be held on Friday, October 26, 2018, 5-8 at Devil’s Thumb. Invited are Karen Ishibashi (Ski for Light), Bill Pierce (YMCA Nordic Center), Mandy Cluck (Grand Lake Nordic Center), Marie Ange (Devil’s Thumb), Gretta Foscha (East Grand Schools). Mike L. will work on getting discounts for club members. He is going to ask DT and SMR to again give us 15% of their Swap sales. Winter Park Trading usually gives us 20%. Diana R. will ask Craft if they would like to be a vendor. Karen Ishibashi will probably have a table for Ski for Light. Christine Lee will e-mail previous volunteers to help out. There will be a membership table for any new or renewing members.
Karen F. /Lisa B. volunteered to do press releases, flyers, publicity and Facebook.
The Ski Grand Nordic page will also be used to advertise this event.
FREE SKI LESSONS – Tommelfest (Devil’s Thumb) –Sat. Dec 8
Grand Lake – Sunday, Dec. 16
SMR – Sunday, Jan 20, 2019
SKI TREK – Saturday, Feb. 9 , 2019 – From YMCA Nordic Center to Granby Ranch. Anyone who wants to can also ski back.
YOUTH PROGRAMS – (Mike Lohman) – Reported that the high school cross-country uniforms have been bought but he needs reimbursement . The check should go to the school fund.
A grant from the Grand Foundation for $3000.00 along with money from Grand Nordic will be used for x-c needs for East Grand Schools.
The Middle School needs to replenish some old equipment with new gear. Karen F. volunteered to look for money (via grants) to replace old equipment on a regular basis. Kathy J. suggested that they look at the old equipment before they give it to the kids (there were some problems previously with equipment given to the kids).
The elementary school is in good shape for now.
Pre-school – Diana R. has some small sized x-c equipment that the children can use.
GRANTS (Karen F.) – Will look into getting more grants. There is a Colorado Foundation that supports elite athletes to reach national level. She’ll look into it. It might be a source of money for the athletes that are at the Winter Park Competitive Center.
BUDGET: - $1,000 for uniforms -- $2000 for scholarships
KIDS PROGRAM at the YMCA Nordic Center – Will be held on Fridays at 1:00 – 2:30 p.m. starting January 11, 2019 to March 1, 2019. We have volunteers but a suggestion was made that maybe we could use high school skiers to help with the smaller children; maybe also with the free lessons.
WINTER PARK COMPETITION CENTER – Isaiah St Pierre – He is the new coach for the Center. At this time there are 12 students in the program.
OLD BUSINESS / NEW BUSINESS -– Karen F. asked whether the free lessons lose money for our club. Diana R. replied that our club probably comes out even.
Diana R. mentioned that SKI FOR LIGHT (International) will be held at SMR from Jan. 27-Feb. 3, 2019. Karen Ishibashi (local volunteer coordinator) has asked for volunteers to help the Ski for Light skiers as guides, registration takers, etc.
A question was asked regarding the appointment of officers for Grand Nordic. Diana said that the Board appoints the officers. All previous officers agreed to another term.
New 2019 officers: Diana Lynn Rau – President
Mike Lohman – Vice President
Christine Lee - Secretary
It was suggested that we have the Ski Swap serve as our annual meeting since many members show up at that event.
There being no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m.
Submitted by: Christine Lee, Secretary