The meeting began at 7:35 p.m.
Attendance: Diana Lynn Rau (President), Al Rothenbach (Membership/Web Page), Christine Lee (Secretary), Charlie Rau, Kathy Jamison (Fraser Elementary), Marie-Ange Anderson, (Devil's Thumb Nordic Manager).
Diana reported that our club is now reinstated as a 501-3C organization. We had been out of compliance. We also need a new treasurer for the club (Sean Dee resigned last year). She has a neighbor who might be interested in being a bookkeeper rather than a treasurer.
There was a discussion about the Junior Nordic Ski Development Program. She is trying to get in contact with Bill Pierce (YMCA Nordic Director) for more information about this year's program. There was also some discussion about the YMCA Nordic Center's Stampede Ski Race. Would it be one day or two days? Date or dates?
There was a discussion about the club's profit and loss and balance sheet for Sept 1, 2014 through Sept. 18, 2015. Income and expenses were perused and there was one question about a $1,082.75 expense. Diana said she would check with the accountant about this. Our current assets are healthy and we have enough to cover expenses.
SKI SWAP: Our 2015 Ski Swap will be held at the SMR Nordic Center on Friday, October 30. Set up and gear check-in will be from 5-6 p.m. The swap will be from 6-8:30 p.m. We will have a dessert bar as in previous years. Al will put this information on the website and also put out a call for volunteers. Christine Lee will also work on getting volunteers. She will check with Mike Lohman and Kelly Howard to see if they can help. Mike will probably help with club membership benefits and check with SMR, DTR and Grand Lake X-C to see about day and season trail passes.
New brochures have to be printed. There were some changes to be made on the old brochure. The rate for family membership was raised to $40.00 but the rest of the rates were left the same. Membership discounts might have to be changed (check with Mike Lohman), some new pictures could be added and Diana asked for changes to the kids' program to be given to her by Marie-Ange (DTR) and SMR (Christine Lee). Also she is hoping to get some information to be put into the brochure about the Jr. Nordic programs from Bill Pierce. Once these changes are incorporated into the brochure we can print it.
FREE LESSONS: The free lessons will be Saturday, Dec. 12 (Tommelfest) at Devil's Thumb Ranch. The next free lesson will tentatively be on Sunday, Dec. 20 at Grand Lake (we have to check with Grand Lake). The last free lesson will be at the Snow Mountain Ranch on Sunday, Jan.10 (This is also a tentative date depending on Univ of Wyoming helping to teach).
OTHER DATES: Devil's Thumb Ranch will again sponsor the STAGECOACH trek Saturday, Jan. 23, 2016. Grand Nordic will sponsor the RANCHtoRANCH X-C SKI TREK on Saturday, February 6, 2016. We are trying to stay away from the three day holidays. Diana asked Marie-Ange if we can once again piggy-back on the advertising for the Stagecoach to advertise our R-R Trek. Marie-Ange will check. There will also be a route addition to our Trek. Last year many skiers did not like the steep and icy parts of the trek. This year Diana said there will be an additional route coming in at a lower part of the trail.
FLYERS: The Ski Swap and Free Lesson flyers can be easily rerun with changes to the place, date and time. Diana will contact Tina Wilson of Firebird Designs.
INSURANCE: Diana made a motion that Grand Nordic renew the insurance we have covering our events. The motion carried.
HIGH SCHOOL/MIDDLE SCHOOL/CHARTER SCHOOL : Granby Play Days Preschool presented a request for help in obtaining Nordic equipment. They have been granted $300 from the Grand Foundation but this might not be enough for the 7 sets of skis and boots they need (smaller sizes --9-13 boots). After some discussion the board members agreed to help to up to a limit of $1,000 total ($700 from our club plus the $300). Frazer Elementary School also requested money for more Nordic equipment. Marie-Ange said that Devil's Thumb is buying new equipment this year and thus has older equipment to sell.
Diana suggested that Marie-Ange give us a list of what equipment she has and Kathy Jamison (Frazer Elementary) also compile a list of what equipment (boots, skis, poles) she needs. She asked if Marie-Ange could check and see if Devil's Thumb has any smaller sizes for Granby Play Days Preschool.
Grand Nordic has budgeted $2,000 to help the schools get the equipment they need. If we buy in bulk we might be able to get both the Preschool and Frazer Elementary outfitted with this amount. Diana will also check on the prices offered by Winter Park Trading for his Nordic equipment.
There was also a discussion about setting ski tracks around the pre-school or middle school for use by the kids. Nothing was resolved.
MISC: A tentative date was set for a Moonlight Ski on February 20, 2016.
Submitted by: Christine Lee, Secretary
The meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m.