Attendance: Kate Philbrick (rep. Devil's Thumb), Sean Dee, Diana Lynn Rau, Al Rothenbach, Stephen Lee, Christine Lee, Tom Merkt (Snow Mountain Ranch), Mike Lohman, Charlie Rau
The meeting began at 7:35 p.m. at President Diana Lynn Rau's house.
WINTER CARNIVAL 2013 -- Discussion on a ski trek during the celebration of HSS Winter Carnival during February 2013. Best date would be Saturday, Feb 9. Diana will check with Headwaters Trail Alliance and see if they would be okay with this date. They had expressed an interest in President's Day Weekend but the consensus was that it was too busy a weekend both for volunteers and for the Y. Three trek routes were discussed. The first was last year's Dec 30th trek route. This would entail asking one of the landowners (Eric) for the use of his land. Tom said that Eric was reluctant to let us use his property this year but he and also Diana would try to get Eric to agree on this once a year use. A second route could be Solvista to the Y. The third was last year's mailbag trek route. The first and third routes would end in Hot Sulphur Springs in the firehouse with a soup lunch. The Grand County Historical Association is willing to work with our club on this fund-raising venture.
ELECTION OF OFFICERS – All the officers of Grand Nordic Ski Club agreed to serve another term. President-Diana Lynn Rau, Vice-President-Mike Lohman, Secretary-Christine Lee, Treasurer-Sean Dee, Membership-Al Rothenbach, Liaison with GCHA and SMR-Stephen Lee, Publicity-Tina Wilson
TREASURER'S REPORT: $7,012 with the bulk of income coming from the Swap. Grooming Fund is still in place for any legitimate need.
SKI SWAP -- Will be on Friday, October 26, 2012 at Devil's Thumb. Set up at 5:00 p.m. Swap at 6:00 – 8:30 p.m. Refreshments: coffee, tea, dessert. The Joint Pass (DT & SMR) will be on sale at this time. Sean asked if we can get an early bird rate for this Joint Pass (offered only at our Swap). Kate (DT) said that she would have to check on this. The DT season pass would also be available ($150 before Dec. 1 and $180 after Dec 1). An area of concern at the swap is to make sure that we have someone double checking the equipment before it leaves the sale area. A distinguishable tape will be used as a security measure. Christine Lee volunteered to coordinate the Swap with help from Mike Lohman. Tina Wilson will work on the flyers and ads in Ski-Hi News.
FREE LESSONS – As in previous years, there will be three free lessons, one at each ski area. Devil's Thumb – Saturday, Dec 1 – Tommelfest. (Grand Nordic will help with the lessons when and if needed). Grand Lake – Sunday, December 16. Snow Mountain Ranch - Sunday, Jan. 6. The lessons are free for all participants. GN members will have free rentals and day passes. Diana will negotiate the cost for rentals and passes with each of the three areas.
SCHOOL SUPPORT – We have not been asked for any money for this year - perhaps later on this year. SMR Nordic Center donated skis, boots, etc last year to Indian Peaks Charter School and Diana will ask if they need any equipment this year. Tom Merkt (SMR) said that he would sell bindings at cost to the school if someone would help him mount the bindings on the donated or bought skis.
SCHOLARSHIPS – Any requests from students for monetary assistance so that they could be on the Nordic team should be sent to Sean Dee who will make the final decision.
GROOMING FUND -- Will be $500.00. It was suggested that some of this money could be used to give free skiing passes for kids and coaches at SMR.
NEW BUSINESS – Mike Berman (Winter Park Nordic Team) – Asked if GN knew of a female skater who would be willing to be a guest coach and role model to the teenage girls on the Winter Park Nordic Team. Diana will see if she can find someone.
OTHER BUSINESS -- Kids programs will continue at DT and SMR. Diana will work on the Friday program and SMR will be responsible for Sundays. (January & February)
We are running out of our heavier GN hats. A minimum order for these hats was approved.
Kate at DT mentioned that there would probably be some changes in the fees charged for skiing and rentals. Also DT will have three full time groomers this season.
Tom Merkt (SMR) -- The Nordic Center has a new Snowcat for grooming the trails. Tom has hired a new assistant. The area has put up 70 new trail signs and has expanded the snowshoe trail system. This system will be completely separate from the Nordic trails. There will also be two classic only trails and new trail maps. Some rates and fees will change with skate ski rentals going up for sure.
The meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.
Submitted by: Christine Lee, Secretary
School support - a budget for schools was approved at 2000, same as last year.
Grooming Fund - Tom agreed that if we shift over 500.00 again this year to the grooming fund, the YMCA would allow all registered High School and Middle School team members and coaches to ski for free this season. A list must be submitted to Tom and kept on hand at SMR. The list can only be updated by the coaches - preferably Dave and Karen.
Under new business, several people mentioned they knew a suitable person or a person who might be on staff this coming season that could help.