
The meeting began at 7:30 p.m.

Attendance: Diana Lynn Rau (President), Mike Lohman (Vice-President), Christine Lee (Secretary), Karen Fletcher, Kathy Jamison, Stephen Lee, Charlie Rau, Lisa Bornfriend

SKI SWAP – will take place in the SMR Nordic Center on Friday, October 27, 2017. Al Rothenbach will not be there but Christine Lee will take over the membership area. Advertising will be as in previous years. Flyers for the swap, free lessons and member benefits will be worked on to have them ready for the swap. Mike will check on getting club discounts and member benefits from DTR, SMR and others . Ads about the Swap and Free Lessons will be in Sky-Hi News and maybe the Grand Gazette. Diana will check on what percentage we will get from DTR/SMR sales. In previous years we have gotten 15%. Christine Lee will contact volunteers.

FREE LESSONS: Devil's Thumb Ranch – (Tommelfest) – Saturday, December 9, 2017 Grand Lake – Sunday, December 17, 2017 (Confirmed). Snow Mountain Ranch – Sunday, January 7, 2018 (Confirmed).

DONATED SKIS: Any personal skis, boots, poles not sold at the Swap can be donated to the schools' x-c programs. Diana has some equipment donated /purchased at her house which can be used by anyone interested. There will also be a box for any other donated skis at the Fraser Rec Center. This will probably begin in January. Diana has not received school needs from elementary, middle or high school cross-country coaches.

SKI GRAND NORDIC: The grant for the website SKI GRAND is coming to an end and is wrapping up. The Grand County Tourism Board who sponsored the grant was very happy with the website, especially the visuals. The site included back-county sites, cross-county centers and lots of other useful information. Lisa Bornfriend did a fabulous job putting together the website and it was quite successful especially for a first year. Diana would like some feed-back in order to decide whether or not to apply for a new grant.

FEBRUARY RELAY: Mike Lohman and Karen Fletcher will not do the relay event they did last year. They wanted to make money for ski scholarships, skis, etc. for the schools in the county but did not feel they got enough support from the schools. A lengthy discussion followed. Diana feels that since this was a first time event it should be given a chance to grow. Karen will give Diana the records and names of volunteers for this event – perhaps someone else will take over as leader/coordinator.

NEW SKI PROGRAM: Bill Pierce (SMR) has a ski program from CXC (Midwest) that he wants to propose for Granby Elementary School. Diana has not had a chance to look at it. It requires additional funding. Because we did not have enough info about this program everyone felt that we should table this until we knew more about it.

SCHOLARSHIPS: Sierra Smith had sent in a couple of requests asking for reimbursements for some camps/programs she had taken this past year plus an entry reimbursement. Aspen Camp - $200.00—Stampede Entry - $85.00 Winter Park Summer Training Program - $300.00

Some discussion followed. There had been no other requests for reimbursements and it was felt that only the programs that were in Grand County be reimbursed. The vote was to grant Sierra Smith a total of $385.00 (WP Program and Stampede).


Sky-Hi News is planning to have a fall/winter fitness section and asked if Diana could write something about x-c skiing – health benefits, beauty of the sport, family fun, etc. She asked for help writing it as it was due in a few days. Kathy Jamison volunteered to help write the article.

Al had called Diana and asked the board to consider raising the cost of business memberships from $60 to $80 or $100.00. Everyone thought this was a good idea and agreed that $100.00 would be reasonable.

The kids program at SMR on Fridays will continue. It was a huge success last year with an average of 15-20 kids every week.

The Ranch to Ranch Trek will probably be scheduled on either Saturday, Feb 3rd or Saturday, Feb 10th. Diana has to check and make sure there is no conflict with school events.

NEW OFFICERS: Al Rothenbach confirmed that he will work on the website and membership, Christine Lee will stay on as secretary and Mike Lohman will remain as Vice President. Diana Lynn Rau will continue as President.

The meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.

Submitted: Christine Lee, Secretary