Present: Mike Lohman (V.P.), Kelly Howard, Charlie Rau, Diane Lynn Rau (President), Sean Dee (Treasurer), Stephen Lee, Christine Lee (Secretary), Al Rothenbach (Web Page), Tom Merkt (YMCA Nordic Director)
Diane reviewed last year's winter activities. We made great progress as a club and the season was great. Our three free ski clinics went very well and we will do them again this year. There is a new manager at Devil's Thumb but Igor is still in charge of the Nordic activities. The event at which we helped with free lessons at Devil's Thumb, Tommelfest, is already set for Saturday, December 10. Grand Lake free ski lessons day will be on Saturday, Dec 17. The free ski lessons at the YMCA will probably be at the end of January.
Tom Merkt: Tom said that the Y already has two races set for the upcoming season: the Classic race in January and the Stampede in March. There is a probability that the Stampede might be a two-day race. This might help push occupancy at the Y. But it's still in the “maybe” process. Shawn will probably be back this season and perhaps Jill also. Told the group that YMCA member pass would be the same price as last year and that any YMCA member could ski for free again this season.
Diane – Talked about Grand Nordic ski involvement with the 100th Anniversary of the Winter Carnival in Hot Sulphur. This event is being planned by Grand County Historical Association and one of the highlights is the reenactment of the historic ski trek by Carl Howelsen & Angell Schmidt from Corona Pass to Hot Sulphur, a distance of 40 miles. This would take place in December (probably the 30th) - from Corona Pass to YMCA in a race format (a few people), and then with others joining from YMCA to Hot Sulphur in a tour format. (This event would be in conjunction with HTA). A second reenactment of the mail run over Cottonwood Pass to Hot Sulphur would take place in mid February and this would be under the auspices of Grand Nordic. The discussion that followed centered on the route, the date, and perhaps having a commemorative patch or medal for those who participated. A 100th anniversary patch, perhaps.
The next item on the agenda was a discussion on whether we should have a moonlight ski and if so what date would be the best. The President's Day weekend, Feb 18, 19, 20, seemed like a good time to have this activity.
Membership (Al Rothenbach) - Reported that new members can now pay by credit card but only on-line. For any of our events, or to join – sign up online and pay by credit or if paying on day of event cash and check only. A recommendation was made to get rid of business memberships.
Mike Lohman – Brought up the need for supporting the Nordic program in Grand County schools. The discussion then centered on the need for parental support both for the program and in hiring coaches. Grand Nordic could help with money but the primary movers would be the parents. A motion was made to support (if the opportunity presents itself) the development of our junior Nordic team and help with the hiring of a coach. Our club, Grand Nordic, is willing to support the people (for example, the Zinks) who are working with the kids in our schools to become better Nordic skiers.
Treasurer's Report/Budget (Sean Dee) -- reported that we are in good shape with $6840.12 in our account. Advertising is our biggest output. (Mike Lohman mentioned that we could get jackets with our logo and use them both to get advertising and as money makers. Tom said that he has ordered jackets for this season and Grand Nordic could always get their logo sewed on at a small price and then sell the jackets at the Nordic Center.) One of the big expenses was the ad in Tim Carter's Cross-Country Ski areas magazine.
Thus our big- ticket budget items are advertising and support for the Nordic program in Grand County schools.
Fall Ski Swap -- this year will be on the last Friday in October, October 28, at the YMCA. 15% of YMCA sales would be donated to our club. Christine Lee volunteered to be in charge of the Swap.
Summer/fall cleanup or work days at the Y, or DT, or Grand Lake was a topic of discussion. Tom asked the scope of this endeavor. There needed to be a description of the work, how long it would take, was lunch provided, etc. He will look into it on behalf of the YMCA.
There being no further business to discuss the meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.
Submitted by: Christine Lee, Secretary