Attendance: Diana Lynn Rau, Mike Lohman, Kelly Howard, Al Rothenbach, Sean Dee, Charlie Rau, Christine Lee, Stephen Lee, Marie-Ange Anderson (Devil's Thumb rep).
The meeting began at 7:35 p.m. at President Diana Lynn Rau's house.
TREASURER'S REPORT: Sean Dee presented a Profit & Loss Detail report from Jan 1 through May 22, 2013. Our present checking account is $7725.00. Our club's finances are in good shape.
MER PROJECTS: Diana reported that last year the Y had a clean-up day but did not give enough notice. We should advise them that a notice of at least three weeks would be needed. Marie-Ange will ask Igor if Devil's Thumb has any projects that Grand Nordic can help with and come back to us with this information.
STAMPEDE DINNER: Kelly brought up the subject of the March Stampede Dinner. She and Mike felt that it was not a successful event. The communication between the Y and our club was poor and the money we made was not worth the effort. Not enough people came and the food was not up to par. Diana said we should decide at the next meeting whether or not we do this event next year. Perhaps we could set it up differently or instead of a dinner we could hold a raffle with ski equipment as prizes.
LIABILITY INSURANCE: At this time Sean Dee mentioned that Grand Nordic does not have board member insurance. He said that most boards (even non-profits) have liability insurance. He will look into how much such insurance would cost.
BUDGET: A long discussion on what we should do for the schools this year. Dave Zink had made a suggestion that we allocate the funds to buy gear and rent it to the high school skiers. Develop a rental fleet. Diana asked who would administer and be responsible for taking care of the paperwork and where would we keep the equipment. Stephen mentioned that the Y already has a seasonal rental program. Perhaps we could piggy-back on this program. (Devil's Thumb does not have a seasonal rental program). Everyone agreed that Grand Nordic wants to support youth competitive skiing. Mike will take our ideas and talk again to Dave Zink. Diana mentioned that the Christian School might have kids that want to xc-ski and perhaps they can join the Middle School for this activity. She will talk to whoever is in charge.
SKI SWAP: Will again be held the last Friday in October. This will be October 25 and will be at the Nordic Center at the Y. Desserts only. The organizing committee will be Chris Lee, Mike Lohman and Kelly Howard. Diana will confirm the date and time with Tom Merkt at Snow Mountain Ranch.
LESSONS: The free lessons have been a great success. We will once again have lessons at the three xc ski centers. Devil's Thumb (Tommelfest) Sat. Dec. 7. Grand Lake – probably Sunday, Dec 15. Snow Mountain Ranch – Either Jan 5 or 12, depending on when Tom is going to schedule the Jan Classic Race. Stephen will check with Tom on the exact date, if known. Diana will check with Wyoming to see if they want to help with Y lessons again.
SKI TREK: The Feb 2013 trek went well even with the bad weather. Next year is a possibility but more help with grooming is needed. Also there is an option for another route rather than the Cottonwood Pass to Hot Sulphur Springs route. The other route would start at Silver Creek (Granby Ranch) using the Granby to Fraser Trail, through the tunnel under Hwy 40 and end at the Y. It would be shorter, about eight miles. Diana made the suggestion that we could have two treks, with HTA picking one route and Grand Nordic picking the other. Or the route could change every other year. She will talk to HTA although she and Charlie would still need help with the grooming on either route. Other help might be needed also and Kelly said that perhaps we can get help from high school students who need mandatory community service hours. The board agreed to think about these trek options and how to get more volunteers.
The meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m.
Submitted by: Christine Lee, Secretary