Grand Nordic Ski Club Minutes
Thursday, May 22, 2008

Members present: Tim Carter, Connie Fenton, Christine Lee, Diana Lynn Rau, Al Rothenbach, Jeff Schmidt, Phil White



The meeting began at 7:45 p.m.

Diana said that the club had a good season. The volunteer lessons, run by Tim Carter, had a good turnout. There were around 50 people at Grand Lake. Jeff was congratulated on his first season as Nordic Director at Snow Mountain Ranch. Al mentioned that the website is up and running.

Jeff mentioned that the Volunteer Day at SMR in May was cancelled because of inclement weather. (They had plenty of volunteers). It will be held for sure next year.

A discussion then followed about this year's Ski Swap. Where? When? Do we get a percentage of sales? It was decided that we stay with previous years' policies. Individuals return 20% to the club and vendors give 10%. Although they had not done so in previous years, we would again ask Grand Lake if they would like to participate. Diane will check with Janice Peck of Grand Lake. The Ski Swap this year is supposed to be held at Devil's Thumb. Diane will also check on this.

Diane suggested a volunteer day to help out at SMR in October around the time of the Nordic Ski Swap. A decision was made on the date of the Ski Swap – Friday, October 24. Jeff will work on a date for the Volunteer Day – probably at the beginning of October.

Tim will once again coordinate the dates and times for the free lessons. He suggested that we only do two areas this year instead of three. Snow Mountain Ranch and Grand Lake. Diane wanted all three areas. Connie said that Devil's Thumb is going in a different direction. A discussion by Phil, Tim and Connie followed. It was decided that we ask Devil's Thumb if they want us to give a day of free lessons, with Grand County Nordic being the sponsor along with Devil's Thumb or if Grand County Nordic should ask if we can just help Devil's Thumb on their free lesson day. Tim volunteered to talk to Devil's Thumb. “Do you want us to have our own free day or help out at yours? It will be Tim's decision on the dates for the free lessons, although each area's free lessons will be on separate weekends.

There is a good pool of x-c ski instructors. Tim Showalter, Tim Carter, Tina Carter, Stephen Lee, Christine Lee, Diana Lynn Rau, Hugh, Mike Zilke, Mike Lohman, an instructor from Snow Mountain and one from Grand Lake.

Another item on next year's schedule is the Moonlight Ski. No firm date is set but it will probably be around the first weekend in February, the Saturday before the full moon.

NEW BUSINESS: Tim Carter spoke at length about a Master's Program for Racing sponsored by Grand County Nordic. There was a discussion about different clubs and their membership. Our membership is only about 80 people. Boulder is around 400. Perhaps we can join them to have a bigger base both for skiing and for social events. We would then perhaps have a larger voice in buying things, etc. Also when skiing at Master's races the racers could have special outfits donated by Grand County Nordic and we would be sponsoring these racers. Another aspect of this Master's program is to have a once a week ski (not for beginners but for those who already know how to ski) as part of the Grand Nordic Master's Program. In addition, starting in the fall, have a weekly group doing Prep or Dryland Training. The discussion that followed was favorable to this once a week ski and dryland training agenda. Tim will work on setting this up for the upcoming season.

Connie Felton – The club still has about 70 bells and 55 hats . We need more promotion to sell these items.

Christine Lee – Asked if the Kid's Program is still one of our projects. Diane said yes. It is one of Grand Nordic's yearly efforts. As in previous years' the free lessons for kids will be on Fridays in January and February and Snow Mountain Ranch would do Sundays.

Their being no further items on the agenda the meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted: Christine Lee