Attendees: Tim Carter, Al Rothenbach (Membership/Web page), Charlie Rau, Diana Lynn Rau (President) , Stephen Lee (YMCA Nordic rep) , Christine Lee (Secretary), Rick Grahn (Devil's Thumb rep)
The meeting came to order at 7:40 p.m.
GROOMING FUND – new line item. We got quite a bit of money for the grooming fund. The money in this fund is to be used not just for the YMCA but for any organization that furthers the use of x-c skiing and needs money for grooming. This could be Devil's Thumb (if they needed some money), the Granby-Fraser Trail, any Treks or races put on by Grand Nordic.
DEC WINTER CARNIVAL TREK/MAIL BAG TREK -- Despite the dearth of snow, this year's Feb. Mail Bag Trek and the Dec. Winter Carnival Trek were successful. The February Mail Bag Trek is a real possibility as a fundraiser for our club. HTA (the organization who, along with GN, spearheaded the December trek) is considering doing a similar event during President's Day weekend next year. However, Diana believes that Grand Nordic can put on a Mail Bag Trek as a fundraiser for our club the second Saturday in February (Lincoln's Birthday weekend). This would be in conjunction with the Hot Sulphur Winter Carnival Event that seems to be in the works for that weekend.
FREE LESSON DAYS -- The three days of free lessons have been a smashing success. Devil's Thumb will be again hosting their Tommelfest on Saturday, Dec. 8, 2012 and having free lessons by Denver U. We can join them, as in previous years, with our instructors helping with lessons. Diana will check on what dates we can get for Grand Lake and the Y.
CHARGE FEES FOR LESSONS? RENTALS? PASSES? – a question was raised by Christine Lee whether to have the participants of the free lesson days pay for either passes or rentals. Should we charge GN members who now get both rentals and passes free as well as the lessons? Maybe everyone should pay a flat $10.00 fee ( proposed by Tim Carter)? Should the free rental be abolished (Chris Lee)? Charge for passes (Al Rothenbach)? Are we losing money on this event? With so many people getting everything for free will our expenses next year be more than what we get in membership fees? Diana said that we are not losing money and Al added that we add members at these events. The discussion ended by basically tabling the matter until the fall meeting where it could be brought up again if need be.
SKI SWAP -- Our annual Ski Swap will be held on Friday, October 26, 2012 from 5-9 p.m. at Devil's Thumb.
TREASURER'S REPORT -- Showed a loss of $1800 this year. We still have over $5,000 in our account.
STAMPEDE DATES -- There was a discussion about the Stampede dates conflicting with the Yellowstone Rendezvous and perhaps limiting the number of people who participate in the Stampede. Tim Carter asked if Tom (YMCA) would be willing to change the dates of the Stampede (now the first weekend in March). Diana reported that the Stampede Dinner on Saturday in the Skinny Ski (sponsored by Grand Nordic as a fundraiser) had twenty people this year. Better than last year's participation and a possibility for next year.
NEW GRAND LAKE SKI RACE --Tim Carter proposed a ski race at Grand Lake to be sponsored by Grand Nordic. There had been a well-attended race there in previous years and he thought we could revive it. The discussion that followed centered on whether or not we already had enough on our plate and the need for more people other than board members to help with such an event. Also Janice Peck (Grand Lake Nordic) should be asked if Grand Lake Nordic Center was okay with such an event. The discussion ended with Tim agreeing to check with Janice on whether Grand Lake would want or support such an event at their center.
WINTER PARK NORDIC -- Another discussion centered on the flurry of e-mails from Fanch (DT) to Mike Berman (Winter Park Nordic) on the feasibility of having small ski jumps or a biathlon course at Devils Thumb. Everyone agreed that this was an interesting idea. (Winter Park Nordic can be viewed as a development team for Nordic skiing outside of middle school and high school auspices).
INDIAN PEAKS CHARTER SCHOOL – Diana took over 3 boxes of ski boots donated by YMCA Nordic Center to the Indian Peaks Charter School (grades 1-8). It needs Nordic ski equipment, especially small sizes for children. Anyone who has any equipment to donate please let Diana know.
SCHOOLS -- Our line item budget for schools is $2,000. We did not use all of the money this season. MOTION: To keep the budget at $2,000 for next year. Motion was approved.
TRAIL WORK -- Grand Nordic did not do any trail work for either DT or the Y last year. Difficult to schedule. The best way to help was to for either DT or the Y to have a Project that Grand Nordic can help with. Rick will bring up the topic with Igor (DT) and Stephen or Diana will talk to Tom (YMCA).
KIDS PROGRAM at the Y -- Stephen reported that the Sunday program is getting too popular. Not enough instructors or helpers who can be depended on. At least four if not five adults are needed. Stephen has already brought up the matter with Tom.
CHANGES AT YMCA REGARDING PASSES -- There are probable changes (not set in stone yet) to rates for passes and GN discounts. Trail passes for GN club members will be $12.00 (instead of $10.00). Half- day rates will be raised to $12.00 also. Retail discount for GN will be 10%. There might be two days at 25% off for GN members only. Group lessons will be the same; private lessons will be raised to $40.00. Rental rates will probably stay the same. Tom asked if there were any new things he can do to benefit Grand Nordic. Please let him know.
There being no further items to discuss the meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.
Submitted by: Christine Lee, Secretary
ADDENDUM: Does Grand Nordic want to advertise again this year in Nordic Ski Colorado? The consensus was: YES.