Grand Nordic Ski Meeting
April 21, 2020

The meeting was called to order by President Diana Lynn Rau at 7:40 p.m. via Zoom.

In attendance: Mike Lohman (V.P.), Dan Jamison, Lisa Bornfriend, Charlie Rau, Christine Lee (Secretary), Stephen Lee, Diana Lynn Rau, Al Rothenbach (Membership), Terri Rylander

Approval of Minutes: Minutes from the September 20, 2019 meeting were approved. (Lisa moved, seconded by Stephen)

Treasurer's Report: Still need a treasurer. Diana reported that the club showed a considerable loss this year, primarily from paying for trail passes/rental equipment for our free lessons. We will have to work to lower this loss next season.

OLD BUSINESS: Karen Fletcher was thanked by Diana (and all attendees) for her work on getting a $3000 grant from the Grand Foundation designated for Middle School equipment. The purchase of Aspen Elementary ski equipment was discussed. Last year the Board approved the purchase of this used ski equipment from Aspen Elementary for $2000. The board approved $1000 from our account and Diana was able to get the Lions Club to donate $500 and FVMRD the other $500 for the $2000 total needed. These skis/boots are ready to be picked up. Mike Lohman will check on where to store the equipment when it arrives. Diana reported on the October 2019 Swap. Went well. The SWAP date for 2020 will be October 23 and will be held at Devils's Thumb. The free lessons at the three x-c areas also were well attended. Diana is working on the dates for the lessons for the 2020/2021 season. The Grand Lake Classic was successful also. Grand Nordic helped with volunteers (Cheryl Allen, Jill Steigerwald, Peggy Cooper) and also with publicity (thanks to Karen Fletcher). Grand Lake Nordic also donated $500 from this event to our club.

Our annual Trek scheduled for February 8 had to be postponed because of TOO much snow, a first. It was rescheduled to February 28. According to Al, there were a few cancellations but most people skied the later Trek and we had quite a few new signups.

Scholarships: We were over budget this year although, thanks to a $1000 grant from Terra-Forma and a few other donations, we were only $500 over budget.

CCCSA – Diana asked if anyone saw any effects from our not renewing our membership with CCCSA this year. Everyone said that it didn't seem to have an effect. Karen had advertised our events in Facebook and also, because we had events scheduled at the three Nordic centers, their websites advertised Grand Nordic also.

Profit&Loss/Budget: Everyone got a copy of the P&L and Budget. Very detailed. Mike asked that we review our formula for the free lesson program – primarily how we pay the ski centers for their trail fees/rentals. We pay ½ of their fees for trail passes and rentals. However for the past three years the fees have increased. This has become unaffordable for our club. We might have to renegotiate with the ski areas on their fees so we can make some profit or at least come out even. We can emphasize to them that our lessons are bringing a lot of new people to their areas. Free publicity for them.

Memberships: Al reported that this year we had 231 memberships (over 400 people). This was less than last year (271 memberships) but more than two years ago (156 memberships).

Payments to instructors: Diana had made up a list of instructors who helped out at the free lesson clinics for the past three years. She will send an e-mail to those individuals and ask them if they want to get paid ($20 a lesson) or would they like to donate their fees back to the club. If they want to donate their fees it would go into the donation line in the budget.

NEW BUSINESS: Diana accepted, with regret, the resignation of board member Karen Fletcher. Karen has done a fantastic job of getting grants and media coverage for Grand Nordic. The board members present also, with regret, accepted Karen's resignation.

Nomination: Diana presented Terri Rylander as a nominee for the Board to take Karen's place for Media & Grants. All approved.

President - Diana Lynn Rau
Vice-President - Mike Lohman
Secretary – Christine Lee
Treasurer - ---
Membership – Al Rothenbach
Media & Grants – Terri Rylander
Promotion & Media – Lisa Bornfriend
(All officers will be on the list of nominees to be presented at the annual members' meeting held at the October Swap)

Grand Foundation Grant: Terri Rylander/Diana L Rau presented the board with a draft for a grant for $3000 to the Grand Foundation. This grant asked for help in keeping our x-c lessons free.

SWAP – Oct .23
FREE LESSONS: Devil's Thumb – Dec 3. (Tommelfest)
Grand Lake – Dec. 13?
YMCA – Jan. 10?
(The Grand Lake and YMCA dates are not confirmed and may be changed).
TREK – Feb. 6??? Granby Ranch is in a state of flux. We will have to check later on in the season .

MISC: Mike asked if we still needed an insurance policy. He also asked if our insurance policy covers volunteers. He did not think so. Diana said that it does (we have a rider for volunteers) and she will send us a copy via e-mail. Mike also asked how much money we have at this time in our checking account. Diana said we had $9,235.

There being no further business to discuss a motion was made by Al to adjourn. Stephen seconded. All approved.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m.

Presented by: Christine Lee, Secretary

Submitted by: Christine Lee, Secretary