The meeting began at 7:30 p.m. at Diana Lynn Rau's house.
Attendance: Diana Lynn Rau (President), Al Rothenbach (Membership/Web Page), Mike Lohman (Vice-President), Christine Lee (Secretary), Charlie Rau, Bill Pierce (YMCA Nordic Director), Keri Gates (YMCA Nordic Manager), Marie-Ange Anderson (Devil's Thumb Nordic Manager), Kathy Jamison (Fraser Elementary), Patrick Brower (Middle School rep).
Grand Nordic Profit & Loss Statement from April 1, 2014 to April 13, 2015 was presented by Diana. Income: of $12,105.22 and Expenses of $9,594.97.
Net income was $2,655.25.
Balance in checkbook was approximately $7,000. Diana will get the exact figures from our accountant.
NOMINATIONS FOR OFFICERS: The officers agreed to serve for another year. President: Diana Lynn Rau Vice-President: Mike Lohman Secretary: Christine Lee Treasurer: VACANT Membership/Web Page: Al Rothenbach
For the moment we have a part-time accountant but we need a treasurer. Someone else other than Diana has to be able to sign checks and be responsible for the money. Diana mentioned that Christina Russell said she knew of someone who might be interested in the position. She will get the name from Christina.
NEW FLYERS : We need to get new flyers and Lisa of Firebird Design will probably be able to work on this.
SKY-HI NEWS ARTICLES: Diana has been writing weekly articles for Sky-Hi News about Nordic events, etc. This has been taking a great amount of time for which she has not been compensated. She is going to propose to the newspaper that she will trade her time and column for advertising space for Grand Nordic. The cost of the ads would be reimbursed to her by Grand Nordic.
EVENT EVALUATION: SWAP (2014)– Was a successful event. Held at Devil's Thumb. This year will be held at the Nordic Center at the Y. The date will be October 30, 2015. Diana asked for volunteers to coordinate the SWAP. Chris Lee said that it was not too difficult to set up and she would coordinate the SWAP. Mike Lohman and Kelly Howard would help along with many of the same volunteers as last year.
EVENT EVALUATION: FREE LESSONS (2014– 2015 Season). Everyone agreed that the lessons should be free and Grand Nordic should continue to offer free passes and rentals to our members as in previous years. Why argue with or change a successful strategy?
The probable dates for the 2015/2016 free lessons are:
Devil's Thumb – Tommelfest – First or second weekend in Dec. (Dec. 5-6 or 12-13)
Grand Lake – Probably the Sunday before the Christmas weekend (Dec 19 or 20).
YMCA Nordic Center – Sunday after the Classic Race (Jan 10) – Univ of Wyoming have promised to attend.
Other events: Stagecoach – Jan23-24 ; Trek Feb 6-7: NSCD (Held at Grand Lake) – end of February? ; YMCA Stampede – probably first weekend in March.
SCHOOL PROGRAM: Equipment rental/lease for kids. Mike Lohman was not happy with Grand Nordic buying equipment for kids. We paid for a skier's equipment but the kid was not serious about Nordic skiing. Mike felt that we wasted our money. Bill Pierce said that many programs do not let the skier own the skies. The equipment is leased and a contract is signed that spells out what the skier has to do to keep the equipment.
MIDDLE SCHOOL PROGRAM: The kids get 2 pair of skis, 1 pair of poles and 1 pair of combi boots. This program is in good shape.
ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PROGRAM: Kathy and Marie-Ange said that this program could use some new equipment. (Marie-Ange and Kathy work with Fraser Elementary. The kids are in two age groups and go skiing either on Monday or Wednesday from Jan-March. They are taken in Rec Center vans to x-c skiing areas.
HIGH SCHOOL PROGRAM: Questions were raised again about kids not owning but leasing or renting equipment. Seasonal rentals are available from the YMCA Nordic Center and for those kids who need equipment a seasonal rental (from the Y or from Grand Nordic) would be a good option.
KIDS PROGRAM: Devil's Thumb has a kids program on Fridays that only costs $10.00. The Y has the Friday and Sunday kid's programs that offer free lessons, equipment and passes. A long discussion followed about the kid programs. They are a great way for kids to learn to x-c ski. Many locals don't even know about this program. Should be advertised more. But even those locals who know about the program do not take advantage. Some reasons for this: lack of transportation, Friday downhill skiing is free and many kids go to Winter Park then and Sundays are family days when parents want to do something else than cross-country ski.
JUNIOR RACING WINTER/SUMMER PROGRAM: Bill Pierce had about 12 kids during the winter. To keep up training in summer he is offering a racing/training summer program. However for such a program to succeed at least 10 participants and 2-5 coaches are needed. Furthermore, he said that we have to sell the families on the investment since this program is not free. As in the winter program, equipment would be needed for the summer program also. Money from the fees would be used for this equipment. Bill has developed a training schedule : Mountain Biking, Running, Roller Skiing. Kari would help with this program. But Bill emphasized that training on a bike is second place to x-c skiing. This would not be a mountain bike program. Keith Sanders wants to start a mountain bike program but wants someone to volunteer to run it. Bill again said that he needs a minimum of 10 kids for the program and 2 people to be coaches/helpers. Patrick Brower and Kathy Ferguson asked for more info about what would be needed.
This was the last item for discussion. With no further business the meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m.
Submitted by: Christine Lee, Secretary
The meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m.