Attendees: Phil White, Tim Carter, Hugh Auchincloss, Jubil Young, Diana Lynn Rau, Stephen Lee, Christine Lee, Susan Oderwald, Dave Zink, Mike Lohman, Al Rothenbach
The Meeting began at 7:40 p.m.
FINANCE (Susan Oderwald) - Re the Ski Swap proceeds – Got 10% from Snow Mountain but traditionally it should be 20%. The proceeds were $437 so Grand Nordic should get $87.40. Devil's Thumb has not sent anything yet. Susan will check with both ski centers. Costs for the Swap were $198 for the Ad in the paper and $100 for burgers. Receipts were $295 for memberships.
SKI SWAP - There was some discussion on improvements to help the Ski Swap be better. Tim mentioned that Boulder Nordic had a more controlled way of selling/swapping. They put tags on their skis and had a more controlled way of having people enter and leave the selling/swapping area. Also put names and phone numbers on the swap skis. A suggestion was made that we concentrate on the Swap and not have a potluck or food at the same time. Either give or sell raffle tickets for door prizes and have vendors. The vendors might not be possible because the Swap is not a huge event.
SKI LESSONS (Tim Carter) – Dates for the free ski lessons. Saturday, Dec 13 at Devil's Thumb. This will be in conjunction with their Ski Fest. Igor has it covered but might need more people so we should be there also. Saturday Dec 20 – Grand Lake Saturday Jan 31 – YMCA These will be advertised in the community calendar in the paper and put on our website.
Also tracks for X-C skiing are being set in other areas. Example: Grand Park Trails, Sol Vista, Granby Ranch. Grand Nordic should report on who is setting tracks and where. Many of these tracked trails are free.
MEMBERSHIP (Al Rothenbach) – We have 14 family, 6 single and 1 company. We need more members. A good place for new signups is when we give free lessons. Also make sure that next year we have “early season passes” both for YMCA and Devil's Thumb at our Ski Swap.
A discussion was held on getting our club affiliated with Boulder Nordic to get new members. Diana and Tim said that that there would be benefits for both clubs in such an alliance. We would be “in conjunction with” Boulder Nordic. All attendees said yes to an “agreement to create a stronger relationship between the two clubs”. Tim and Diana will continue to talk with Boulder Nordic to further this goal of stronger ties and/or an affiliation of Grand Nordic with Boulder Nordic.
To help get new members Hugh suggested a summer fundraiser. Perhaps a running event or some recreational event that was not competitive but fun. Example: team running, relay for families.
NEW BUSINESS: Diana brought up the idea of a paid part-time director for Grand Nordic. She said that Hugh Auchincloss had recently quit his full time job at Devil's Thumb and was interested in doing some part time work. She had approached him about a part time position as director of Grand Nordic and he had expressed interest in such a position.
Discussion: Dave raised the question of whether or not Grand Nordic has enough members and money for a paid director. What would be the goals for this person? He/she would help the club get more exposure (p.r.). Would help with the youth program. Diana wanted a person who had a focus on our club. She wanted to capitalize on Hugh's interest, time and expertise. Hugh brought up some of his ideas on membership deals and values in order to get more members. He said that it might be a good idea to make Grand Nordic a year-round club. Jubil agreed that such a club would be great. More discussion followed. Susan said that a proposal was needed from Hugh on what he would/could do in such a position. There should be a list of priorities and needs. Such a proposal would list how Hugh can help us generate revenue for the club and get the position funded. Hugh agreed to write such a proposal with help from Diana and others.
DAVE ZINK: Asked for money from Grand Nordic to help offset the costs of ski equipment for the East Grand Middle School X-C team. He said that this year there will be many more participants. Preliminary count was 40-45 skiers.
A MOTION FOR GRAND NORDIC TO GIVE $1000 FOR EQUIPMENT TO EAST GRAND MIDDLE SCHOOL was made by Mike Lohman. The motion was carried unanimously.
SUSAN ODERWALD – Had problems with keeping Grand Nordic finances with Quickbooks on a MAC. She does not have a MAC. After some back and forth discussion it was decided that because our accounting is not very intricate or large it would be better to just keep our records on paper ,
The meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m.
Submitted by: Christine Lee, Secretary