The meeting began at 7:30 p.m. at Diana Lynn Rau's house.
Attendance: Diana Lynn Rau, Al Rothenbach, Charlie Rau, Sean Dee, Christine Lee, Stephen Lee
WORKDAY/INSURANCE: There was a long discussion on the subject of general liability coverage -- insuring the club at its various events. This was initiated by Granby Ranch's refusal to let Grand Nordic do any trail work on their land without an insurance contract signed by Diana. Although Diana said that we were covered under an umbrella policy of HTA, HTA would not sign the contract because the workday was basically a Grand Nordic endeavor. So, Grand Nordic has to have its own contract; an $800.00 expense for a one year policy.
The discussion that followed brought up many pros and cons of getting such a policy. Sean Dee recommended that we get such a policy because if something happened at any of our events (workdays, free lesson days, treks) the policy would cover any defense. The $800.00 (covering only about 4 hours of lawyer time) would be a small price to pay for any problems. Christine Lee said that if we got this policy for only one event (the workday) it would not be cost effective but for all our events it might be wise to get it. Also this liability insurance is only for a year. If we found we didn't want it next year we could always cancel.
Sean Dee agreed to check on how we are covered and whether we are covered on the HTA policy. Also Granby Ranch wanted a higher amount on our insurance contract --$2 million for each event – which was not HTA's coverage. He thought we could negotiate this amount with Granby Ranch.
Christine Lee made a MOTION THAT WE HAVE SEAN DEE LOOK INTO A GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE POLICY - $2,000,000 TOTAL, $1,000,000 PER EVENT – AT A PRICE NOT TO EXCEED $900.00. The motion was seconded by Diana Lynn Rau. The motion CARRIED with all voting Yes.
The workday this weekend was cancelled. Al Rothenbach would advertise this on the website. Delayed by circumstances beyond our control with a new date set for later in the year.
SKI SWAP: Will be held at Snow Mountain Ranch (Nordic Center) on Friday, October 25, 2013. Mike Lohmann will, as in previous years, verify discounts from the ski areas and businesses. He will double check on the Devil's Thumb discounts because Igor has to have them approved by higher management. Kelly Howard will try to find the contracts which we had people sign so we, and the providers of the discount, have something in writing. Tina Wilson will set up the discount sheet and Al will put it on the website.
Equipment check-in (Taunia & Phil Shipman)
Membership table: Al/Toni
Cashier: Chris / Tina
Signage: Diana/Charlie (directional & road, arrow signs, indoor signs)
Gear buying assistance: Mike, Stephen, Tim, Charlie, Phil
Desserts: Pot-luck – Set up for coffee/drinks also – Chris/other volunteer
FREE LESSONS: Grand Lake – Saturday, Dec 7. Devil's Thumb – Saturday, Dec 14. Y Nordic Center – Sunday, January 5 (Univ. of Wyoming skiers will do lessons in the afternoon).
Lessons will be free to everyone. Rentals and trial passes will be free to Grand Nordic members only. Diana will negotiate cost for the passes/rentals with the ski areas . Volunteer instructors will be paid.
Tina will work on brochures , flyers and ads for both the Swap and the Free Lesson Days. Diana will probably have the flyers, etc at her house where they can be picked up and put up all over Grand County. Libraries, post offices, banks and other businesses as well as schools.
SCHOOLS/SCHOLARSHIPS: Mike Lohmann and Tim Carter will be helping with the school x-c program. The high school program needs a new coach and Mike will be trying to get Scott Hicks to agree to be the head coach. There is also a need for more candidates to help with the program. On the junior high level – there are a couple of people who might be able to coach the team. Grand Nordic might be able to help but only on a volunteer basis with the volunteers helping for a short time.
Diana talked to Tom Merkt (Snow Mountain Ranch Nordic Center) about continuing to sponsor the high school teams by giving free trail passes to the skiers and coaches. She will also ask Tom if Grand Nordic can contribute $500.00 to the grooming fund.
Everyone at the meeting agreed to keep our commitment of $2,000.00 to the Grand County school x-c program. This includes the public schools and the charter school as well as the Winter Park Christian School. The money for the grooming fund will be taken from the total amount leaving $1500.00.
Some of the money can be used to help students who cannot afford to pay the program fee for skiing. Mike should remind the coaches that we do have Scholarship money available. The student has to write a letter expressing his or her need and send it to us. Sean Dee will read the letters and determine if the student will receive the scholarship funds.
STAMPEDE DINNER: No dinner this year. A lot of work and too few people participated.
The meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m.
Submitted by: Christine Lee, Secretary